In the 1980s, Josef Riegler realized that the successful concept of the social market economy needed to be extended to include environmental considerations. In 1989 he formulated a new sociopolitical vision: the eco-social market economy.The eco-social market economy model uses the dynamics of the market to promote environmental protection. Through the internalization of environmental costs, the polluter pays principle and an eco-social tax reform, the market can set the right signals for sustainable development. If policymakers succeed in implementing this ambitious goal at all levels, environmental and climate protection will become a matter of course.In 1992 Riegler founded the Ecosocial Forum, which has been working to implement this idea ever since. In view of the current challenges, a development that promotes economic prosperity, social welfare and environmental protection in equal measure is more necessary than ever. In other words, an eco-social development that creates jobs, supports the economy and protects the environment. A balance between the three pillars requires moderation and continuous further development.Currently, the guiding principle of the eco-social market economy is the desire to enable the "generation climate change " - the generations growing up with the knowledge of the effects of anthropogenic climate change - to live a good life in the long term. At the center of all considerations is the human being: a free, self-responsible and creative person who also takes responsibility for the well-being of others. Who acts regionally and thinks globally. Who sees the consequences of his or her actions in a larger geographical and historical context. In 2019, the scientific advisory board of the Ecosocial Forum formulated a policy paper that serves as a guide for the generation climate change. In it, the major challenges of our time are formulated from a Central European perspective. This paper outlines 13 fields of action that define the scope of work for the Ecosocial Forum in the coming years.

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