This imprint was last updated on 26. February 2025.

The owner of this website is:

Ökosoziales Forum Österreich & Europa
Herrengasse 13
A-1010 Wien
Phone number: +43 1 253 63 50

1. General

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.

Technical support: Michalek – WordPress | Photography | Layout, 1220 Vienna

Facebook, Flickr & Youtube Icon: saragnzalez / Freepik

Photos (unless otherwise stated): (c) Ecosocial Forum
The image material (photos, graphics, logos…) is the property of the Ecosocial Forum Austria & Europe provided by the respective owners for this purpose (displayed within the framework of and is protected under copyright law.
Contents of the website may be printed for non-commercial purposes provided the source is indicated, unless otherwise stated. However, prior approval from the Ecosocial Forum must be obtained when adopting larger amounts of content, even for non-commercial purposes. The creation and distribution of content that has been modified, expanded, shortened or translated into foreign languages is only permitted with written permission. The integration of content from the website http://www.ö into frames of other websites is prohibited.
If prior authorization is required for the reproduction of certain text and multimedia data (sound, images, programs, etc.), this overrides the general authorization above; Any restrictions on use will be clearly stated.

The Ecosocial Forum compiles the information on this website with care. However, we cannot assume any liability for the content. Errors, incompleteness and changes to the website are not excluded. The Ecosocial Forum assumes no responsibility for the content of linked websites. If you have problems with linked websites or comments, especially if they contain criminal, racist, sexist, discriminatory, pornographic, National Socialist or offensive content, please inform us by email info(at)